Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Plein air easel

After reading a bit more, I have realized that my current easel works for me for the ease of carrying it and for the size. All I need is a tripod painting shelf as show below.

The leftmost one is actually designed by someone and the rightmost one is sold by Cheap Joes's for $38.

I like this one the best for its larger size and if I can make it foldable by adding hinges in the middle, and a little cup holder hole, that would be perfect!

Since my first attempt of plein air painting was so enjoyable, and I would like to do it more often, I thought I should have a good plein air easel.
I currently have a simple aluminum easel. It works fine. But the first day I was painting, I had to setup near a bench as I had not carried a table.. which sort of ended up defining my painting layout.. and the second day when I actually carried a little fold-able table I have home, it actually ended up being such a production, hauling the table, easel, my bag of paints, brushes, water and other supplies, that I haven't tried it again.
After a lot of online research, I decided that a french plein air easel fits my requirements the best.But these things are pricy and I am not sure if I will ever sell my paintings, so the expense is not exactly justifiable... except that, last week was my birthday and I decided that is what I want for a gift... and lo-and-behold.. Ocean state job lot had it for only $55!! Yey!!

Ofcourse I got it.. opened it up in the store itself to make sure that it was functional. Except that I got is home, and my paint tubes are too 'fat' and 'long to fit into the neat little drawers in the easel.. which means I will have to carry them separately, instantly removing the entire purpose of this  style easel especially give that it weighs atleast five times my aluminum one!

Hmmmm..... back to the drawing board...

When J and I were away this last weekend, I did carry my old easel with me.. and it is infact much easier to set up compared to the plein-air easel.. The only thing was that all my supplies were on the floor and I had to bend down if I wanted to add a color to my palette or wash my brushes. Now only if I can figure out an attachable tray or something to the right of the easel, that could solve the biggest requirement I have of a table.

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